Spread Kindness Like Nutella

Aug - a pound cake

And remember how I mentioned that from time to time I will post a story that may possibly leave you howln’ or smiling.. here’s hoping this one may..

And so my day kinda started off last night when I arrived home from an evening with a friend. I received a text saying Sully was whimpering outside my door and yikes, I hope he is okay. Needless to say something must have spooked him because he generally sleeps in the closet, nice and cozy on his blankets and small pillow. I arrive home to find him standing in the kitchen and my green garbage back emptied on the floor. Really, how could I yell at him, it was after the fact and there was not much food inside; a lot of bloody kleenex which I bet made him mad to find. He was successful finding a half eaten package of hummus that I found under the chair in my living room and I trust he enjoyed it. He jumped up to see me and snuggled into my neck feeling relieved that I had arrived home. Off I go checking each room to see if there was evidence of damage; my meditation pillow and favourite  orange blanket was where he left his mark oh, Are You Kidding me. Off to the laundry machine they went and I really was not in the mood to do it yet there was no way I was going to wait till morning. Needless to say, we both arrived in our beds feeling okay with life.

I woke up this morning feeling like I could chew nails and spit out paper clips. Yikes what the heck had happened to me. First off, I tried to find my yoga pants I had on yesterday to slip on to watch Mr Sully this morning. For the life of me I could not find them, I looked everywhere and no dang pants. What the heck, where or who could have taken a pair of my pants. The new me said, grab a new pair and off we went. When we arrived home he ate his breakfast and off to the doggie daycare we went.

Traffic everywhere.. I tried to wait patiently on Weber Street as the construction made for one lane. I could feel the f’s about to come out after sitting for three lights, watching all those dang people drive up as far as they could and then dart into the right lane. Man oh man I could feel my blood boil.. Right in front of Shoes 22 there was this lady waiting to get out onto Weber and part of me thought Darlin’ don’t you be thinking I am gonna let ya in because I don’t have time for this crap today. Another light came and went and still no movement. There was not a dang thing I could do, so I looked outside and watched folks driving and swearing like the old me would have done. As I got closer to the lady waiting to get out, I thought oh go ahead and let her in. I motioned for her to come out and she smiled at me. After allowing her in the traffic moved more and I darted in through the mall to the other side and off to drop off Sully I went. Oh did I say my gas light was on.. Off to get gas and coming back up Weber Street the other side is one lane. However, things were okay. Home I arrived and time to get myself ready.

I left like yuck, like somethings off today, blah and what the heck is going on. At that same moment someone I know sent a note via Facebook saying the Summer solstice had thrown her for a loop and blah, blah, blah, she would be fine because things are changing for many folks; kinda like out with the old and in with the new. It was the perfect message for me at the perfect time.

I arrived at work feeling not bad and yet still wanted some quiet time to ponder, reflect and collect myself. Some great things are happening in my program area and it is always an opportunity to celebrate the folks who are champions which in turn allows me to remember how much I enjoy what I do and who I do it with. Having been away for two days and on my  return it always creates a tad of anxiety for me; there are many things to re-connect back to and I feel like I run out of time, like today. Often my tasks do not get completed because there are too many to do’s and I forget to eat which sends me in a tizzy and by noon I am still working on my breakfast little alone thinking of eating my lunch. Usually this is the time when I feel like I am going to eat my arm because the hunger dragon arrives. The saving grace is I will not run out to get junk to put in my trunk because I do not do well with that sort of food. Thank the Lord for small blessings!

Mid afternoon I had to get scrambling to an afternoon meeting and of course traffic agin and construction again and man oh man again. Great news, I did not swear once.. Big Wins all around!! When it was over I returned back to work in a dizzy of a mood trying to get items off my list because vacation arrives in a few days, back log of to do’s and notes to check on, emails to read ya know those items that make ya wanna shout at.

And then the coolest things started to happen. The Universe had spoken and I was open to receive whatever that stuff is we are to receive.. oh yeah .. that kindness stuff.  A very dear friend brought me a nice flowering plant that I will try to nourish and not kill and she invited me to put Canada Day flags in it to celebrate the holiday. I had a bunch and settled on three in it and when I look at it I will remember that I am loved. There was a BBQ at my work and many seniors were enjoying it. I popped in to say hello and was greeted with numberous hello’s, huggs and how the heck are ya’s and man they sure do know how to warm my Happy Heart. Well, if that wasn’t enough, the part-time customer service guy Kyle, after being q’d from Miss Emm the magnificent about my needing some help on my blog page offered to help me. WOW oh WOW I invite you to take a look on how – what he helped to design for me. I am THAT happy with his talents, for him helping me and for the two of us being so excited being creative tonight. Oh and in between this, the seniors popped in to say hello and chatted away again.. still.

And so what did I learn today..

  1. Who cares what you feel like when you wake up – muffin top et all.. Be grateful you woke up and have a muffin top bc that means you have food silly girl!
  2. I am able to get myself outta a stupor easier since I have more tools in my toolkit
  3. The Universe DOES have my back and if I pay attention to the little things – they matter
  4. There are people just waiting to spread their kindness like Nutella – allow them to
  5. We are more alike than different – when we share our struggles we can change the pattern of behavior and someone may say “Me Too”
  6. When we ask for help, often there is someone waiting to help – Don’t Be Afraid-ASK
  7. First World Problems – traffic – construction – REALLY that’s what ya worry about
  8. It’s not a bad life you are having  – it is a few brief YIKES – everyone has them
  9. Smile and try to do one kind thing; allowing the lady in the traffic line probably made her day. That was easy to do..
  10. For Goodness Sakes Girl – Just Breathe and don’t be so uptight.. we’re not getting out alive so get out there and enjoy each day.

And they ya be.. Thanks for stopping in and may you always feel the love that others have for you.  I invite you to spread Kindness like Nutella ..





2 Replies to “Spread Kindness Like Nutella”

  1. My daughter used to say “Loose loose loose like a long-necked goose, mama…” It helps me every time:)


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